Time, it’s a force that both teaches and corrupts the mind. It’s a power that holds sway upon an infinite web of untold possibilities. Those who are governed by its ever-ticking clock are the ones who often find themselves at the mercy of its creative hands. Much can be said for the lessons it teaches, but those who ignore the past are doomed to repeat the mistakes of those who came before. But to see such a truth, one must look no further than oneself to realize just how often it is that our own decisions are those which are plagued by mistakes that are rooted in the past. Yet most choose not to learn any other way, which often dooms them to experience the fates that could have easily been averted. Such as those that befell the lands of The King’s most beloved creation so long ago.
For it was a land born of beauty and forged in faith. Yet not all was noble and peaceful in those days when the world was young. In those days, the lands were ravaged by chaos and plagued by violence. The hearts of His creation had been tempted by powers that they were not prepared to use, and thus, they were corrupted by its influence. Even The King’s most trusted champion was swayed by the allure of conquest, and thus, he led his people down a path that led to their mutual destruction. Yet despite their deaths, the damage remained, reverberating across all facets of creation, influencing those that were and were yet to be. So, The King with all His wisdom brought forth an All-Knowing Book to guide His people back towards the light in which they’d now forsaken.
And thus, His Son, the first Keeper, and Prince of the Heavenly Realm ventured beyond His palace walls with the Book in hand to begin His quest to restore a faith in His people that had long been lost. Yet The Prince knew that there would be those who sought to resist His teachings because there was power within the chaos. So, to uphold the Book’s sacred lessons, He sought out twelve individuals, each with noble hearts and faithful spirits to become His defenders. These brave souls were knighted as the Apostles of Justice, and with their newfound powers, they spread peace throughout the lands, striking down all those who would seek to do it harm as The Prince’s lessons once again took root within the hearts of those who would listen.
Eventually, the day came when the work was done. The Prince had accomplished His mission, and thus, He returned to the Heavenly Kingdom, but not before gifting the Book to a worthy successor. Someone in whom the Prince had confided in, an individual who’d proven themselves worthy to read the pages of an eternal wisdom. And from His gift came the House of Devon.
It was a nation ruled by the Keeper and defended by the Golden Knight. Neither one could ever truly exist in the absence of the other. And so, they made for a perfect pair as the Keeper spread their King’s wisdom, while the Golden Knight fought to uphold His teachings. For once, there was order to an otherwise lawless land, which gave rise to the other dynasties, each one ruled by a different knight as their influence spread throughout the land. Yet there was one kingdom that was unlike all the others.
For there existed an island far off from any nation’s coast that was ruled by a powerful and most destructive demon, who was known only as Count Dray-Gon the Merciless. He was the master of a clan of ruthless warriors known by all as the Akra Dynasty. And from this island, he ruled his people from within the walls of his capital city, Bloodya. Yet despite this, the Jade Knight ventured to the Lands of Dray-Gon with a fleet of his most trusted companions, once there, he would seek to establish his own kingdom like those before.

In doing so, he began the Great Akra Tenshi Wars which would terrorize his people for many generations to come, but in time a treaty would emerge between the two rival factions.
One that came with a heavy price to pay, but in the end, it succeeded in stopping such senseless bloodshed. Thus, the Jade Knight agreed to a deal that would split the island’s land amongst the two clans. Dray-Gon would be allowed to maintain a larger portion of the island’s territory for his people, while Sai-Shi would be granted the ability to grow his people’s military without any form of restriction.
So, with a deal struck, the two agreed to a truce. In response, Dray-Gon would begin a tradition that would seek to bridge the gap between the Akra and the Tenshi. To do this, he would gift the ruling family of Sapphira a single Akrian infant once every generation with the hopes that he’d one day uncover the source of the Tenshi’s mercy.
Yet the philosophy of Sai-Shi would remain a secret to the demonic Dray-Gon, and thus, as the years passed by, the demonic lord would soon find himself studying the life of Sai-Shi with unyielding dedication. Yet he remained perplexed as he watched the noble emperor grow old and expand his family. He was beloved by his people and as a result, they were faithful to his wishes. For it was under his reign, that he’d ended wars and upheld his values, but there was something that was terrorizing his empire from deep beneath its surface, yet Sai-Shi remained blissfully ignorant to such a menacing phantom. So, he continued on with his rule, his arrogance blinding him to the cracks that were forming within the twelve kingdoms that had laid claim to their world.
And in time, the effects of this new age of peace had taken their toll upon the knights, rendering their eyes forever blinded to the truth, that deep within their lands a great darkness was emerging, one that was both old and new to the knights as they continued to dine off the fruits of their labor. An evil so great that he would dare to wage war on not just the House of Devon, but all the kingdoms beyond its walls.
So, with time on his side, he marched his way through the land, building an army of both demons and men alike who had longed for the days of chaos to reign once again, slowly crafting a military force that was unlike any that had ever been seen before. And as time passed, the roots of an empire that was born from the shadows of the knight’s failures had begun to strengthen, leaving them none the wiser to the threats that had sought to undermine the supreme lessons of their creator.
Yet it wasn’t until much too late did they finally recognize the threat for what it was, but by then, the warrior known as Flar had already corrupted the people’s minds with promises built on lies and deceptions. By then, his hand had already commanded their actions and governed their wills as one by one the various nations saw a revolt that was unlike any that had ever been seen before.
Even Sai-Shi, despite all his wisdom and strength, was left in a state of disbelief by the growing signs of revolution. Yet there they were, like a powder keg of mistrust fueled by the festering hatreds of two people who he’d long since tricked himself into believing that both could somehow coexist without the need for violence.
But despite this, he found himself staring off into the horizon, watching as the sun rose upon a new world that was fast approaching. Even now, he could sense that all across the lands of Sapphira, a great tide was shifting. Empires were falling as political powers were shifting in favor of those who would seek power for nefarious gains. The light that he had once defended was fading across the lands as the hands of righteousness grew weak with the changing times. Across the world, people could see it, but no one truly knew when their remarkable decline began. Could the heroes have known whether their influence was fading, and if they did, did they simply ignore it?
Such a question, yet it demanded to be answered, for it haunted his thoughts and plagued his mind.

The knowledge in which he’d acquired now forced him to ponder the possibility that perhaps everything was not as perfect as he’d thought it to be, as he looked out, watching the horizon from the balcony of his mighty Pagoda. A crimson sun now painting his kingdom red like some unholy omen seeking to reveal the events that were yet to come.
Yet the man's expression remained regretful as he questioned his and the knights’ decisions. As though, he couldn’t help but wonder if all of this could’ve somehow been avoided, as he reached into his tiger-striped robes, removing a small cross-shaped necklace. His eyes studied its splendid design before placing it back inside his robes. With one final sigh, he looked back towards the horizon, his thoughts still weary as he pondered whatever form the future might take, hoping that the holy might once again prevail.
Yet somehow, a part of him knew this not to be true, for the knights had celebrated the successes of their victories for far too long. For even Sai-Shi was left with no other choice but to acknowledge his own complacency in all of this, realizing that he’d not even held a sword since the birth of his firstborn son nearly two decades ago. And in this time, he had grown old and rusty, the mere thought of a war now sent shivers down his spine when in his youth he’d have charged headfirst into battle with little fear towards his own demise. It was a slow realization that now crept into his mind for what was soon to happen, and thus, he turned towards his chamber, walking back inside as he entered the extensive library-like room. His eyes studied its interior for one final time, hearing the sounds of his children in the distance. Their voices now filled him with dread as he lowered his head in shame, preparing himself for what he was soon to tell them. Yet the growing sounds of their footsteps alone, racing against the stone floors lingered within his ears like the ticking of a clock. But it was the agonizing cries of their voices, that continued to pain him as he listened on, still hearing the innocence of two young adults as they rebelled against their mother’s wishes. Yet it wasn’t long until the doors to his private study were thrown apart with the simplest of efforts as his wife and children entered the room.
As he stood there, his wife, the Supreme Empress, ordered the princes to relinquish their senseless inquiries, but the boys simply ignored her in response. Instead, approaching their father as they bowed before him. He then raised his hand with a stern expression, and in response, they rose to their feet. But as the two boys stood there, almost hesitant to speak, they couldn’t help but look upon their father with a sight of unease; his demeanor had become almost foreign to them when compared to the man they’d come to know. And for a moment, neither of his sons could find the courage to speak, perhaps fearing the answer that their father would give. Yet in time, the oldest reclaimed his strength, speaking the question that had filled their halls.
“Is it true, father,” one of the boys finally asked.
“It is,” the mighty emperor answered. His voice was calm, almost cold in tone, as he approached one of his many bookshelves. He then reached out, removing a book. His thoughts seemed fixated on its contents as he searched for an unknown chapter.
“Only a fool would think us prey,” the youngest said, clenching his fist with disgust toward their newfound enemy.
“Is it Dray-Gon,” the oldest then chimed in.
“No, my sons. For he is far from my oldest foe. In fact, I’m afraid he’s much worse than Dray-Gon ever was, for he could be reasoned with despite all his wicked ways, while the man who opposes us now is merciless, as though he was cursed without the nobility of a soul.” He then sighed before continuing on, saying, “Even now, I know not his true name, beyond that which was given to him by his arcane masters.”
“Then give us his blasphemous name, father,” his youngest, more violent son proclaimed in response to his father’s proclamation.
“My son, this man is more than flesh and bone, for he is beyond mere swords and talismans. He’s an entity, which has corrupted the very foundations of our lands with mere promises of power, which could never truly be given. Already he has claimed dominion of the Realms of Fire, along with all those who inhabit them, yet still you wish to know the evil’s name?”
“I do,” was all his son would say. So, with a heavy heart, Sai-Shi bowed his head and sighed. For he knew that saying the name of their attacker would only further reinforce his failures as a knight. Yet he knew there would be no way to truly hide this from his sons forever. So, he opened his mouth as though to speak, although the words were slow to manifest, they did eventually take shape as he revealed to them the truth.

“Our foe, my children, is an evil fire lord known only as Flar. Even now, as we speak, he marches toward the House of Devon with an army of demonic Fire Soldiers, who seek the conquest of our realm,” he answered, turning towards his two sons. “So, we must act swiftly, for there is only so much the Golden Knight can do when faced with such tremendous odds. So, I haven’t the time to punish you for treating your mother with such blatant disrespect by ignoring her wishes nor do I have the time to entertain your questions further.”
“Then what’re we waiting for? Let’s go,” his youngest son shouted, turning toward one of his father’s resting swords. But with a silent gesture, the emperor grabbed his son’s arm, handing him the book he had opened from before.
“What’s this,” his son asked, looking down at the ancient text.
“That is your final lesson, my son. Learn it well. For although you are not of my blood, I have loved you all the same. So, please never forget that, Lay-Mon. For it is not the circumstances of our births that define us, but rather the choices in which we make that mold us into the men we are today.” He then placed his hand gently against his adoptive son’s shoulder saying, “No matter what the future holds for you, my son. Remember that simple lesson. Because although you were born a member of the Akra Clan. It does not make you a slave to their will. Life is yours to live, my son, so live it well.”
He then walked over to his eldest son, hugging him as he said, “You are my heir, My-Sung. It falls on you now to rule these lands with honor and pride.” The mighty Sai-Shi then pointed towards the boy’s heart, saying, “Your heart is kind, my son. But don’t let the anger you may feel today twist that kindness into vengeance. For the most important lesson that an emperor can learn lies in knowing that what’s best for the empire is not often what’s best for themselves.”
Both My-Sung and his younger brother, Lay-Mon, turned towards one another. A look of panic already swept across their faces as their father slowly approached their mother.
The Emperor of the Tenshi slowly raised his hand and ran it down his wife’s cheek. A gentle smile formed against her face as she tilted her head slightly. His mind immediately took him back to the day they’d first met, and as he looked upon her now, he realized that time had only strengthened her beauty and sharpened her kindness.
“My love, there is so much I wish to say, but there could be no words that could truly define the joy of the life in which you’ve given me,” the emperor began to say. His eyes sparkled as though he were fighting back tears before he continued on, saying, “Most beloved flower, when we first met, I was young and foolish. I was a knight in search of conquest, with a hunger for blood that could never truly be satiated. Why that was, I might never know, but when you came into my life, you showed me the beauties of a world I’d never known. And for that, I’ll always be grateful, because in doing so, you taught me how precious life could be.” He then stopped, wiping a tear from his eye before he continued once again, “You’ve made me a wise and noble ruler, my love. But the greatest gift you’ve ever given me, Tai-La, is them.” He then pointed toward the two boys and smiled faintly through his weary eyes.
Her husband then gave her one final smile before he pulled her in, wrapping his arms around her for a hug as he looked up towards the ceiling. He closed his eyes as if speaking a silent prayer.

“Tai-La, no matter what happens, I just want you to remember that I have always loved you,” Sai-Shi quietly said, kissing his wife for what he already believed to be the final time. The noble emperor then pulled back, looking towards his children. They could see it within his eyes as their faces drained of color, filling with fear as they rushed toward their father. The four then shared one final hug as the young princes cried against their father’s robes. Their sorrow filled the emperor with dread as he lowered his head, knowing that his fate would soon be upon him. So, he pulled away from them, turning to leave before hearing his son's voice once again.
“Father, why would The King not protect you as he has before,” My-Sung yelled out, his voice filled with tearful agony.
“Why would you worship a man, who’s clearly forsaken you,” Lay-Mon then asked, struggling to hide his tears, which had begun to stream down his face.
It was a question that was enough to halt the emperor’s movements as he stood in the doorway, remembering all the great deeds and heroic victories he’d won in The King’s name. Yet now, he stood on the precipice of a war where victory seemed unattainable, leaving with no other option but to question his abilities as he prepared to fight in a battle that would decide the fates of all creation. It was in this moment, where doubt crept in, shaking his resolve as he stood there searching for an answer. So, he reached into his robes, hoping to find an answer as he removed the cross-shaped necklace. Its elegant design shone against the light as he recalled the day he was first gifted this necklace. Slowly, he looked back toward his family.
In each of them, there was a different kind of memory. One which defined him, strengthening his resolve and providing him with the strength in which he’d needed to assume the mantle of a noble emperor and a defender of The King’s sacred creation, but most importantly, he was granted the blessing of fatherhood along the way. A miracle that he’d never forsaken, even on its most challenging of days. Yet now, he could look back on those memories and see how it’d all been leading him here, to his very moment.
So, with one final grin, he kissed the surface of the necklace, praising The King for the family that he’d given him. Their existence alone was enough to banish his doubts and restore his weakening faith as a brilliant lightning bolt rained down from the ceiling as clouds formed above them. The light generated by the majestic bolt was practically blinding as his wife and sons raised their hands to shield their eyes. Within the blast of divine power, the mighty emperor began to transform. His veins surged with the immense energy of a power that could never truly be understood. Slowly, his robes faded away, revealing a tiger-striped set of emerald-colored armor. Once the light had vanished, he stood remade into a warrior of immeasurable power.

“His Will is not easily understood, my children, for His ways remain His own,” their father answered, turning back towards the entrance of the room. “ Yet you must remember, that He is but a teacher, and we are His students, but only we can choose to obey His lessons. For today, I sense the dawning of a new era. One which has decided against such teachings, and thus, all we can hope to do now is pray that the twelve can repel their wickedness. But you need not worry, my sons, because I believe we’ll meet again. If not in this one, then most certainly in Paradise,” Sai-Shi calmly answered.
At first, his sons couldn’t help but cry and lash out in protest. Yet Sai-Shi took no offense to their outbursts because they were young and still so innocent, instead choosing to offer them one final lesson.
“I am soon to leave my children, but you must never forget: darkness will always tempt those who are strong and mighty. For it’s a power that seeks out even the smallest cracks within their seemingly unbreakable armor and if you allow it, then it will consume you. So, no matter what happens to me, do not let The Dark One’s power corrupt you or these beautiful lands, which we now call home. Promise me that.”
“For you, we will be strong,” they both answered.
The heroic knight nodded in satisfaction before waving goodbye to his family. He then turned and exited the room, entering the long hallway, vanishing within the Pagoda’s shadows as he prepared himself for war.
From there, he would begin a journey that would spell his end, as once more he would be confronted by the sins of his past. In this case, the sin was none other than Dray-Gon himself. For the mighty demon had returned once again to reclaim the land that Sai-Shi had stolen from him. But this time, there would be no treaty that would stop him. For Dray-Gon had made an uneasy alliance with Flar, who vowed to aid the demon in his bid for power over the far-off island.

And like a falling star, Dray-Gon on that day descended from the heavens, poised to strike, itching for his long-awaited revenge.
“Look out!!!” Sai-Shi yelled with all the strength that his lungs could muster, yet it was much too late, as the screams of the noble knight remained unheard as he was left helpless, watching as his brave men were eviscerated by an ocean of hellish flames. Their agonizing cries were all he could hear as he was flung from his horse, his body rolling across the ground. Slowly, he looked up, groaning in pain as he faintly saw the massive silhouette of the raging beast land within the unending inferno.

Then, like a fading facade, Dray-Gon’s form began to shrink, changing into something much more human as he emerged from the flames. His hand was extended as the sounds of cracking bones echoed against the breeze. A grin filled his sinister face as he felt the katana made of bone slide from his hand, its surface igniting with a blueish flame as the creature’s blood struck against his rough exterior.
“Only one of us survives, Sai-Shi,” the demon said with a sadistic smile. “I just hope you’re not as rusty as you are old.”
At first, there was only silence as the fallen knight bowed his head. His breaths had grown heavy, his joints ached, and he couldn’t help but watch as his hands shook when he reached for his discarded sword. In the blast, his helmet had been knocked from his head, and now, he couldn’t help but see his own reflection in the blade of his sword. But it was a sight that he’d hoped not to see because, within his eyes, he saw the face of a man who’d been dulled by time. Gone were the days in which he could not only match Dray-Gon but defeat him. For within his weary eyes, he saw the villain who would truly spell his end. A force, which has only been beaten by He who is beyond mortal flesh. Yet despite this, Sai-Shi stood tall in the face of his opponent, raising his sword as he prepared to finish what he’d started so long ago.
And thus, it was said that their battle on that day was one of myths and legends by all those who saw it, but little remains as to what truly happened on that fateful day. For it’s an outcome that’s filled with mystery despite serving as the stories that are told to both the Children of the Tenshi and the Akra alike. It’s a tale that still captures the imaginations of many, despite taking place several generations ago. Yet one truth remains about that horrid day, both the Jade Knight and his forces never made it to their intended destination, and thus the House of Devon fell, leaving The Keeper lost to the pages of history as Flar seized their world for himself, bringing forth a new era of suffering and mistrust as he ruled their lands with an iron fist, which left even the mightiest of souls broken and obedient to his will.
Looking back on it all, it’s easy to see where the knights went wrong. The triumphs of their victories had made them grow complacent in their actions, which blinded them to the evils festering from within. Yet the knights did not have the benefit of hindsight, and thus, they were destroyed. Their kingdoms were left in ruins, while their most sacred possession, the Book, was taken by Flar, who sealed its knowledge behind walls of magic and mysticism. Trapping the people in a state of faithless mistrust as they wander through the lands they’d once called home as they fight to survive the fire lord’s ruthless reign.
It’s an outcome that only highlights the true nature of time. For it reveals its true form as both a teacher and a destroyer. It’s a force that sweeps through us like an all-knowing hand with teachings of victory and defeat, leading us toward a life of success or failure. Yet its greatest power lies in its ability to expose the evils of those who are lurking from deep within. Such was the story of the knights, heroes to a people turned against them by an evil that festered from within. Yet they were blinded to the truth, and thus, they were destroyed by one of their own. Will the past serve as the teacher to this next generation who will follow in their wake, or will it be the architect of their own demise? I suppose that in the end, time will tell, for the future remains unknown.
To Be Continued In: A Legend Retold Empress Kay-Li and the Soul Ripper Book One: Shadows of Sapphira (Part Two) Chapter One: It Came From Ray-Gor
We hope you enjoyed the opening prologue to our newest series, Empress Kay-Li and the Soul Ripper! This story marks the beginning of our, "A Legend Retold" banner where we plan to reboot the original stories we'd written from over the years to fit our new narrative direction that we plan to take the characters. If you like what we do feel free to check out our other stories! If you'd like to support us in any way then feel free to check out our shop tab or you can donate to us here: PLEASE DONATE- Only $1 Per Month | The JC Multiverse