Chapter One

The Blob Defense cruiser, Sphinx, glided slowly through space on its final approach to the planet Zim. On the starship’s bridge, Captain Junior rested calmly in his command chair. He heard the Sphinx’s engines shut down. The planet loomed in front of him.
Like the starship itself, the crew of the Sphinx was small. They were blobs, of various colors and textures, all dressed in the military uniforms of Blob Defense. While the Sphinx could hold a crew of twenty, there were currently only five members on board.
“Orbiting pattern complete, captain,” Lt. Dolby, the ship’s navigational officer, reported from his control console. “Planet Zim is right below us.”
“Good,” Junior replied, turning his chair to the left to face another, younger officer. “Let’s see if we can make contact with our people on the surface. Ensign?”
Ensign Bleen, the communications officer, adjusted his headset. “I’m trying, captain.”
He pushed some buttons on his panel.
“That’s funny. I’m getting a lot of static. It certainly seems quiet enough up here.”
Dr. Blake, the oldest member of the Sphinx’s crew, stood beside the captain’s chair.
“I wonder what your brother would think of this mission?” he whispered to Junior.
“The Blob Warrior thinks I’m doing a supply run to Cowstar,” Junior replied. “He would hardly approve of his little brother doing a spy mission.”
“I think I’ve got them, captain!” Ensign Bleen proudly shouted, swirling in his chair to face Junior and Dr. Blake.
The Zintrella marketplace was alive with activity. Anxious Zimian merchants had built hundreds of wooden trading booths, with a wide variety of products, in the hopes of attracting visitors from across the galaxy. Their plan had worked. Every creature in the solar system, including dogs, cats, cows, and fluffians, had filled the open-air marketplace to trade. In such a crowded and busy scene, it was not surprising that no one noticed two, hooded figures slip away into a back alley.
“We’re getting a signal,” one of the figures said. It was a female’s voice. Blobett raised her arms and removed her hood. Her companion, Wonon, a flat, worm-shaped planarian with arms and legs, did the same.
“Wonon is glad,” he said. “Wonon is tired of this sneaking around.”
Blobett removed a small communicator from beneath her cloak. “This is Blobett and Wonon, Sphinx. We’re in position to receive the shuttle.”

“It’s good to hear your voice, Blobett,” Junior crackled over the radio. “You two ready to go home?”
“Tell him Wonon is sick of the food.”
Blobett smiled. “More than you know, Junior,” she said. “And have we got a story to tell you.”
Lt. Dolby double-checked his radar screen before turning around to face the command chair. “We’re not alone, captain!” he cried out. “Inzect warship approaching, sector seven!”
“What!?!” Junior gasped in disbelief as he rose from his chair. “How could we have missed that?”
“It must have been hiding below the horizon when we arrived, sir,” Lt. Dolby remarked.
“Red alert! Get our shields up!” Junior commanded as the bridge was engulfed in a red glow. “Prepare for evasive action! Inform Blob Defense of our situation!”
“The Sphinx is not a warship,” Dr. Blake commented.
“I know that, doctor,” Junior shot back. “We’re getting out of here.”
“What’s going on up there?” Blobett’s voice shouted through a speaker on the captain’s chair. Junior pressed a button on the chair console.
“We’re under attack,” he replied, resuming his seat. “Put our ground team on stand-by, Ensign Bleen.”
Lt. Dolby watched as the Supremacy slowly closed in on the blob vessel. “They’re firing!” he shouted.

Beams of red laser energy struck the Sphinx on its starboard side, causing the entire ship to be rocked with explosions. On the bridge, a computer console burst into flames.
“Shields collapsing!” Dolby cried as his navigational panel went haywire. “We can’t take another volley like that, captain!”
A laser beam struck the radar panel on the nose of the Sphinx. It exploded into tiny fragments. Ensign Bleen watched his transmitter console ignite with electrical shock waves.
“Communications are out!” he shouted. “I’ve lost our team on the planet's surface!”
Junior turned to Dr. Blake. “Get Lt. Shan from the shuttle bay,” he calmly commanded. “Better ready us some weapons and supplies.”
“Crash landing?”
Junior nodded “yes”. Dr. Blake scurried over to the turbo elevator and left the bridge. Suddenly, there was another series of explosions.
“I’ve lost navigational control!” Lt. Dolby yelled. The Sphinx began to fall toward the planet.
“Captain?” Bleen asked, shocked at Junior’s silence.
“Stay calm, ensign,” Junior replied. “We’re going down. Lt. Dolby, try to find us some water or something soft to hit.”
In the Zintrella alley, Blobett was becoming frantic.
“Junior, we’re losing contact!” she cried into her communicator. “What’s going on up there!?!” There was only static. “Junior!”
“What has happened, Blobett?” Wonon questioned.
“I don’t know,” she answered, lowering the communicator.
“Now does Wonon get to fight?” the planarian asked, pushing back his cloak to reveal a sword.
“I’m afraid not, Wonon,” Blobett replied, placing her hood back over her head. “We’ll try to find the Underground rebels. Arrange for transport from them.”
“Does this mean more Zimian food?” Wonon covered his face with his hood. They began walking down the alley.
“I’m sorry, Wonon, but yes,” Blobett answered. “We’re stranded.”
The Adventure Will Continue..........
We hope you enjoyed the opening prologue to our new story, Blob Warriors: Twilight Over Zim. This is a special story for us here at The JC Multiverse, because it was created by my uncle years ago, and although he passed away earlier this year, we still intend to release it to honor his memory and to showcase this cast of amazing characters that he'd created with my father so long ago. If you'd like to donate to help support the stories that we write, then feel free to check out our shop or donate to us here: PLEASE DONATE- Only $1 Per Month | The JC Multiverse Until next time!