The Blue Dove soared over the bright lights of Border City. Cars continued to drive up and down the streets. Restaurants and night clubs still bustled with activity. Movie theaters had begun showing the last film of the night. Some people were finishing the late shifts as security guards or gas station clerks, while others were just waking up to prepare to go to work. In its own methodical way, it all made sense. The Blue Dove slightly adjusted his flight path to take himself along the coast over the ocean. The beaches were lined with high rise condominiums and hotels. Despite the late hour and the high tide, there were still people walking along the sand or boats anchored a few hundred yards offshore.
It doesn’t look so bad from up here, the Blue Dove thought. It’s too bad nobody sees it from up here.
The four story mansion was nestled along the ocean, but neatly tucked away from the other homes and surrounded by trees and a stone wall. The main house had seven white columns and was made of brick, reminiscent of the tradition style of the Southern plantation. It had a separate garage, a guest house and two swimming pools. A wooden stair case led down from the main property to a dock where there was a cabined sailboat and four jet skis. The Blue Dove hovered over the roof.
“I’m here,” he said into his cowl radio.
A panel, disguised as a chimney, slid open. The Blue Dove descended into the home. He exited the chimney passageway into a large, upper room of the mansion filled with computers, physical training equipment and tables of Blue Dove weapons, outfits and supplies. The Blue Dove removed his mask revealing a lush head of dark, black hair and the strikingly handsome face of seventeen year old, Anthony Blake. He tossed the AR-35 weapon onto one of the tables.
“Welcome home,” a voice said. “Having a rough night?”
Gabriel was a middle age, muscular former Marine who kept a trim goatee on his face, still wore his pants in fatigues, a trench coat and his military dog tags. After twenty years of active service, including tours of duty in Central America, Asia and the Middle East, Gabriel excelled in special operations missions. Following his retirement, he joined a mercenary group in Africa as a soldier of fortune, tracking down pirates, terrorists and poachers. Then, the great famine came. Gabriel tried to help the suffering men, women and children but found governments were more interested in political gain then aiding the sick and hungry. He became disillusioned. Gabriel wandered about the dark continent of Africa for several years before finding himself in a Christian missionary camp led by Anthony’s father, Ted Blake. Gabriel gave his life to Christ and was baptized on the plains of Africa. He returned to the United States with the Blakes and became a part of their Christian entertainment mission company. Years of success and friendship followed. After the tragic death of Anthony’s parents, Gabriel found himself the legal guardian of their only son and a mentor to the head strong teenager. Gabriel vowed to keep the vision of Ted Blake alive.
“I can assume you were able to stop the weapons shipment?” Gabriel asked.
“The Destructors are simple street thugs,” Anthony replied. “They have almost no turf or market share in Border City. It doesn’t make sense that they would move into the weapons trade. It has a limited customer base, no real connections. And take a look at this.”
Anthony tossed the weapon to Gabriel. He caught it effortlessly.

“Standard AR-35,” Gabriel remarked. “Awful lightweight though. We saw plenty of these back in the Corps. Maybe their intention was to move them to Miami, Tampa or Jacksonville. Border City is a corridor for all that traffic. I always thought these things were heavier.”
“If they try selling those, they’ll have more than just the Blue Dove to worry about,” Anthony remarked. “Take a real close look at the firing mechanism.”
Gabriel carefully examined the weapon.
“They’re gone,” he said. “These guns are useless. They’re just toy replicas.”
“Exactly,” Anthony commented. “So why would someone hire a third tier street gang to smuggle in a bunch of useless toy machine guns? It’s an awful lot of risk for zero gain.”
“Unless the weapons were a distraction for something else,” Gabriel said. He placed the weapon down on the table.
“I thought about that,” Anthony remarked. “But the only other thing in that warehouse was a crate of Bibles going to some missionary group in Israel.”
“By the way, Ms. Natalee called for you,” Gabriel said. “Eight times.”
“What did you tell her? We have to keep our stories straight.”
“You mean after the first time or the eighth time?”
“After any of the times,” Anthony replied.
“The first time, I told her you had gone to bed,” Gabriel said. “By the fifth, sixth and seventh time, I had moved up to you were out to dinner with a beautiful, young supermodel.”
“You didn’t!”
“Don’t worry, Don Juan,” Gabriel quipped. “She didn’t believe for a second that you could get a date with a supermodel. Let’s stick with the ‘I went to bed early’ story line.”
“By the way, what did she want?” Anthony asked. “And she really didn’t believe I could date a supermodel?”
“She asked me to remind you to bring the homecoming decorations tomorrow to school.”
“What is she talking about? What Homecoming decorations?” Anthony puzzlingly said. “Oh, no! I really need to get a day planner or something.”
“Looks like we’re going to the 24 by 7 Discount City,” Gabriel shrugged.
“Can you take care of that for me? I have school tomorrow.”
“Do I look like some kind of wedding planner to you?” Gabriel remarked. “I’m your legal guardian, not your butler. The other guy has the butler.”
“It’s homecoming actually, not a wedding,” Anthony said. Gabriel shot him a stern grin. “I’ll grab my jacket.”
“Forget the jacket,” Gabriel replied. He tossed Anthony a set of keys. “We can drive my car. And let’s stop and grab a few hamburgers on the way back. I’m starving. Don’t forget we’re meeting with Mr. Foster in the morning.”
“Mr. Foster,” Anthony sarcastically remarked. “Wonderful.”
They headed for the door.
“Don’t you think you need to change?” Gabriel said, motioning at the Blue Dove costume. “You might stand out, even in this town.”
“Good catch,” Anthony replied. “I’ll meet you at the garage in five minutes.”
The alligator slyly glided into the murky waters of the swamp in search of prey. The hooded figure splashed his way through the shallow waters and mud. He was breathing heavily and would stop every few feet to catch his breath by leaning against a moss covered tree. The figure gazed around to be sure he wasn’t being followed. The night was dark with little moonlight. He had to move carefully to avoid losing his balance and falling into the bog. Frogs croaked and defiantly jumped away as he approached. In the distance, behind a grove of trees, a large, yellow glow penetrated the night sky. The figure made his way to-ward it.
The flames from the large bonfire cascaded upward into the darkness. A group of cloaked figures dressed in black robes, their faces hidden, danced around the towering inferno chanting. One figure, however, stood out from the others. He was tall, a long cape gently flowed behind him. He wore a gold, metallic helmet which covered his face. On his chest, there was a large panel of multi-covered jewels suspended from a gold chain around his neck. Unlike the others, he was not dancing or chanting. He stood in silence, his arms folded behind his back. This was the Advocate, leader of the Caiphas Cult.
Argus emerged from the swamp and entered the clearing. He brushed the dirt from his cloak and brushed back his hood. Argus saw the Advocate standing by the bonfire. Argus nervously gulped. He approached the Advocate.
“You must be more careful, Argus,” the Advocate calmly remarked. He did not turn around. “You have brought us an unwelcomed guest.”
“Your servant was not followed,” Argus replied.
The Advocate turned to face him.
“Are you so sure?”
The alligator burst through the underbrush and into the clearing, its mouth gapping open exposing its fanged teeth. The reptile knocked Argus to the ground and the two began to struggle.
“Spare me, Lord Advocate!” Argus pleaded.
“You have not learned humility,” the Advocate replied. “You still fear death.”
The Advocate stepped forward and grabbed the alligator. With ease, he hoisted the animal off of Argus. The Advocate stretched out his hand. It began to glow. The alligator, still twisting about with its head and tail, began to rise into the air.

The creature levitated ten feet into the night. The Advocate waved his glowing hand. The alligator was flung over the crest of trees and vanished from sight. A splash of water was heard in the distance. Despite the commotion of the attack, the dancing and chanting around the bonfire had gone on uninterrupted.
“Why do you disturb me, Argus?” the Advocate asked.
“I bring grave news, my Advocate,” Argus replied.
The Advocate turned and began to walk away. Argus followed.
“Where is the Bible?”
“It has been taken, my lord,” Argus stammered. “There has been an incident which oc-curred during the exchange.”
“We have spent months arranging the charade of a weapons transfer. We have spent hundreds of years in the quest to locate the ancient manuscript containing the Biblical code revealing the tomb. What issue could there possibly have been?” the Advocate angrily asked.
“They call him the Blue Dove.”
“A blue dove?” the Advocate slowly said. “The Biblical symbol of peace. How ironic.”
“He has wings to fly. He has weapons. We were caught unprepared.”
“And why would this Blue Dove want the Biblical code?”
“I do not believe he does,” Argus remarked. “But, there was someone else. It was one of the sisters.”
“The sisters are here?” the Advocate angrily remarked.
“It would appear so.”
“Your revelation adds a new dimension to our plans. We must find the sister who has taken the Bible manuscript. And we must find her quickly. Only then, can we expose her fraud to the world.”
“And the Blue Dove? What of him?” Argus asked.
“If this winged fool chooses to interfere with the designs of the Caiphas Cult again, he will be destroyed,” the Advocate answered.
“Yes, my Lord Advocate. It will be done as you command.”