Choice. It is both a blessing and a curse. For most, it’s a force that serves as an immeasurable freedom in which one can decide to command their destiny. It's a life of fortune where happiness can swell to overtake you. Whatever one desires can be achieved or fought for when the option is yours. That is the true power of free will, the gift of the Ultimate Blessing.
However, for every blessing gained through the power of choice, there is also an equal and often more deadly consequence just waiting to be revealed. It’s the curse of choice that permeates through every being that exists throughout every universe. It’s a power that grants one the ability to choose whether they take the lives of others, to enslave and conquer them as existence around them burns away to nothing more than ash and dust to be blown away with the winds of time. The freedom of choice drives all people to do right or wrong.
Heroes are made by their choices, as they rise and fall in the pursuit of what's right, to defend those who could never defend themselves. Too often, they are killed for their choices by evils much more significant than themselves, while villains are made by slightly different decisions, which drive them to pursue a much different path. A choice decides everything and those choices create an infinite tapestry of worlds governed by an even grander design. Every choice leads to a new branch in a much more expansive tree in the multiverse of man—a place that is but one dimension of many, with realms yet to be discovered.
In a dimension where creation determines its destiny, there exists a powerful place with infinite possibilities. This place holds futures either steeped in righteousness or destined for sin. Light and darkness are two eternal forces locked in an unending struggle. Evil continually emerges, but there’s always a hero to combat it. This is the essence of freedom - the ability to choose. It’s the greatest gift bestowed upon mortals, yet it can often be overlooked, for the power of choice maintains the balance.
Yet one dimension stands out amongst all the others due to its extreme importance to the rest. It’s a realm where all divine and magical powers converge, a Great Antenna for all the realms, for this dimension is the first to receive the opposing powers before transmitting them across all the existing realms. It bestows divine powers upon the heroes while feeding the dark and demonic powers to their villains. Without this particular dimension, all other realms would be removed from the influence of the Universal Source. Heroes and villains would lose their unique abilities without a means to reconnect them to the most remarkable powers in all of creation.
This truth led to this realm's existence being one of the most heavily guarded secrets in the multiverse. For an uncountable amount of time, it remained unharmed and unnoticed, but all shields were bound to fall. Even the most significant barriers can crack and fade away, and after generations of blissful ignorance, a choice would have to be made.
The hidden world was known only as Edaylon. Through the warmth of its crimson sun, it became home to a race of primitive barbarians. Clouds that were bluish in color dotted its amethyst skies as the sun's light heated its surface from overhead, warming the lush forests and vibrant oceans, which decorated its surface. This is the place where all life began. It’s the realm where souls are born to discover who they are, so they can move on to be tempted and judged before proving that they are worthy of the gifts of paradise. Without it, there can be no Multiversal Plane of endless possibilities and no happiness beyond comprehension. It’s the first step toward a much grander existence, for it was from this place that all life was born.
It was in those days that only four cultures existed to inhabit the four corners of the world: the barbarians, with their red sun-soaked skin among the many other surface dwellers; the ocean’s very own sea people, with their bluish-green skin; the excellent sky fliers, with their tan skin and bird-like features; and the underground creatures, who could always be identified by their glowing green eyes, which could see through even the darkest of shadows.
Yet the people never worried about technology that could challenge their beliefs, nor was there an organized religion that could provide them with guidance or even morality. How could they, when all they’d ever known was pointless existence? So, the question was raised: "Can those without knowledge of the alternative indeed be blamed for not choosing its lifestyle?"
It was an interesting question for the Great Creator as He looked out and saw His creation, the realm itself pulsing with opposing powers. When the question was answered, He decided that a dimension of such grand importance needed to know His name and be offered His teachings.
And with that, it came on one cold winter’s morning, a lightning bolt that struck the peak of the planet’s most prominent mountain. The bolt of divine energy was so huge that all the planet’s people could see it. Its light was so bright that even the darkness of the fading moon was eclipsed and replaced with a brightness that was even more significant than that of the planet’s very own sun. And with that, it felt as though time had somehow stopped, and everyone rushed forth to see what had caused such an unnatural phenomenon. For forty days and nights, the people of the planet traveled, hiking across land and sea alike, just to witness the source of this great light. However, they were met with their first real choice upon their arrival.
For it was the Sky Tribes that arrived at the mountain’s summit first, but for some strange reason, they refused to look at the thing that sat waiting to be discovered. They waited until the underground dwellers crawled to the surface, but even they were too afraid to open the golden box that rested gently against the snow. So, instead, the two factions agreed that patience would be the best course of action, deciding to wait for the others as they ventured towards the mountain. Upon their arrival, the united factions finally sat down to discuss their options when faced with the possibilities presented by such an artifact.
The discussion lasted for three days before they reached a unanimous verdict. So, the barbarians approached the box and removed the golden lid.

The chest immediately began to emit a bright light as its gold, silver, and bronze surface shined against the interior light. The four factions leaped back in fear as the light took the form of a man adorned in pearly white robes with gold, silver, and bronze armor, wearing a golden crown atop his head with a long white beard blowing in the breeze.
The planet's natives fell to their knees, seemingly accepting their deaths, but something strange occurred. Their fear slowly began to fade, and frozen panic turned into feelings of joy and comfort as they looked at the king-like figure standing before them with a smile on His face.
"There is no need for fear," the man finally said as He raised His hand, signaling for them to rise so they could stand on equal footing with Him. And in response, they obeyed, rising to match the man’s eyes. "I’m simply here to offer each of you a choice: to hear my words and move to grow beyond yourselves or leave and return to your normal lives. The choice is yours to make, for I would never take that from you, but you have to at least know of the choice, so I’ve come to give you the means to make it.”
The people of Edaylon looked towards one another and asked how they could pursue such a life they had never known. It was a hard decision, but the allure of something greater than themselves was enough to convince them to take the chance. It was a possibility of a life beyond just savagery that appealed to them. So, as The King spoke, they hung onto every word, listening with a fiery intensity as He revealed to them the importance of the box in which He’d given them.
"This chest, made of simple wood coated in gold, is known as The Vessel of Reconciliation. If you follow these teachings, I promise you will find happiness beyond anything you've ever known. For within this ark are the lessons you will need to find peace in times of chaos. But you must understand that not everything will be easy, for there will be times of doubt, times where your faith will be challenged, and times where you’ll feel abandoned, but know that I am always with you. I will always guide you; through that guidance, you will always find the answers you seek. That is my covenant to you all. So, take these stone tablets, follow their words through the ages, and together, you will build a church of your own design. If you do this, salvation will be yours."
With that, the people nodded in agreement. The King smiled once more, then disappeared into the ark. The others stepped forward and removed the stone tablets, waiting for them inside. Their desire to learn was so strong that they never left that mountain. Instead, they passed the tablets to one another, reading their worn and gentle surfaces until they all understood His words and teachings. When their lesson was complete, they descended the mountain and established a new society. Through these teachings, they built a community with homes and churches where there was no need to fear one another again.
Yet this era of joy only lasted for three generations until the barriers between dimensions weakened, allowing powerful external forces to invade. These interdimensional beings possessed advanced technology that surpassed even the wildest imaginations of the inhabitants of Edaylon.

Descending in mechanized war machines, their starships rained down fire on the peaceful communities, forcing a society that had long abandoned warfare to seek refuge deep in the jungles to escape the relentless gunfire.
And in just seven hours, the planet was ravaged and scarred. Cities lay in ruins, with civilians dead on the streets. Terrified and feeling helpless, the people turned to prayer as the cities burned and their cries echoed through the air. They prayed for guidance, begging for help as they struggled to survive, but their pleas were seemingly ignored. And thus, the alien starships landed and revealed their soon-to-be cybernetic conquerors.
With this, the people surrendered themselves to the idea of enslavement, as they felt their hopes begin to shatter, shaking their faith with the thought of a life without freedom. On that day, the people of Edaylon resigned themselves to a life in chains, where their choices would be taken from them as their robotic conquerors dragged them into the streets for execution.
But among the planet's citizens, one man refused to bow down to the machines.

With his whole life ahead of him, he stood his ground against the cybernetic invaders. Yet, despite all his efforts, he was eventually forced to flee toward the mountains. For days, he ran, finally reaching its peak, where he discovered the ancient church.
Yet, much to his surprise, the church and the ark safely contained inside had somehow remained intact, still resting peacefully on a finely crafted table designed by the planet’s greatest architects. He was tired and out of breath. His body was hungry and thirsty all at once, but somehow, he stood tall and strong before falling to his knees in tears.
"What did we do wrong? You promised to protect us, so why did you abandon us!" he yelled. “My faith was never the strongest, nor was I the best of us, but you promised to guard and to guide us.” He lowered his head as he wept into his palms. An explosion could be heard in the distance, and smoke stained the windows around him.
"We have a choice. You gave that to us, so please let me choose to be better. Let me choose to save my people—not just them but everyone in this beautiful world you created! Please, just give me that one simple chance. I promise I won't disappoint you as I have before."
He finally looked up at the ark as though he was expecting an answer from the golden box, but no words echoed from its metallic surface. Instead, a loud boom of thunder filled the air as the skies overhead grew dark with flashes of lightning. The young man raced to the windows as the thunder roared overhead. He was stunned by the sky’s display of power before he turned back and watched as the same lightning of legend rained down through the wooden roof and struck the ark’s exterior.
The gold that covered its ancient wood surface and all its silver and bronze melted away. The stone tablets within shattered as the wood cracked and burned to cinders. The once beautiful ark was reduced to molten liquid, and the young man sat there in shock and horror, watching as the winds around him lifted him off the floor and back onto his feet. He was paralyzed with fear as a voice spoke out through the burning wood.
"You are Wayden of Metallon, a blacksmith with talent beyond your peers. Take this ark of molten metal; from its remains, you will forge a mighty weapon to repel those seeking to harm you."
"But these metals… I’ve never worked with anything like them before," Wayden slowly said.
"Have faith, Wayden. The knowledge that you require is that which you already know. So, trust in Me, and I will guide you through this endeavor."
"Then let thy will be done," Wayden said as he closed his eyes and took a calming breath to relax his nerves. For the first time, he felt a warmth unlike any he’d ever known. His shaking hands began to steady as an invisible force took them and guided them to the tools he needed. A lack of knowledge suddenly felt fulfilled as he started shaping the metal into the blade of The King’s design.

For seven straight hours, he worked on the weapon. As molten gold, silver, and bronze took on new forms and shapes, sparks flew through the air. He let the wisdom of The King guide his hand as he pounded the mallet against the hardening metal. Time passed, and burnt wood became covered in bronze. The blade's cross guard was forged from silver to craft two winged angels, one for each side. Finally, he crafted the blade using the last of the Ark’s wood, stone, gold, and silver. He began with the burnt wood, forming it into its base before sharpening it to the desired shape. Next, he broke down the remnants of the stone tablets and sprinkled their dust over the top of its wooden surface. He poured the molten gold and silver over top of it, waiting for it to harden until it sat steaming with a cooling heat, waiting to be utilized for its intended purpose.
"It's done," he said, kneeling and looking at the weapon's long bronze hilt. His face reflected against the halberd's nearly identical twin blades, which rested side by side against the cross guard. His eyes focused on the part of the golden blade with an ax-like edge, which would grant him an even stronger cutting force. As he caught his breath, the King's voice returned to him.
"The Ark Blade is the weapon of my Covenant. You shall strike down evil with this blade, purging sin from the Lands of Edaylon. For with this blessing, I imbue the Ark Blade with My Great and All-Mighty Divine Power. So, proclaim the words found within your heart, and be reborn as a champion of your King. For with those words, you shall become My First Knight."
"Thank you, my King," he said with a bow. His hand extended out towards the halberd as the voice grew fainter. An incredible force crackled against his chest upon touching the hilt. Voices whispered through his ears as an electrical shock coursed through his veins. He finally took the handle and squeezed it tightly against his palm.

The full force of its power began to move through him as he felt one with the multiverse all around him. He could feel the knowledge of all the dimensions flooding into his mind as powers beyond his imagination filled his soul with a divine power unlike any he’d seen before. However, his body remained the same without the words to transform it. In his mind, he wanted to panic, but the warmth of this power filled him with faith that all would be revealed to him, so he closed his eyes and finally dropped all of his defenses as he let all its power in, all the wisdom, and all the faith that could ever be given. Once his defenses were truly abandoned and his resistance had left him, the words were finally revealed to him as a quiet whisper rang through his mind.
A simple phrase was all he spoke as an entire dimension trembled with the power of countless incomprehensible forces. It was a defining moment, one which halted the assault on his world as the Great Bolt had done for his ancestors merely three generations ago. Thus, the transformation he underwent captivated all who witnessed it, redirecting the attention of the technological invaders to the blinding light emanating from the mountain's peak. This event would be a defining moment in the planet’s history.
In the aftermath of the battle, they would see the remnants of these mechanized invaders retreating into the snowy north, leaving the planet scarred by their technological might. But instead of pursuing them, the Covenant focused on assisting the wounded and rebuilding their shattered cities. Thus, new, towering towns rose from the rubble, and the people of Edaylon adopted the conquerors' technology as their own. They used it to fortify themselves against potential future invasions, swearing never to be caught off guard like this ever again. And thus, the people crowned the Covenant as their king.
Under the reign of King Wayden, a decision needed to be made. So, the wise and noble king decided he had only one option. Thus, he returned the Ark Blade and all its incredible power to the church of its creation. Although he believed their war was justified, he saw no need for one person to possess such power unless they genuinely needed it. Instead, he felt their true King would defend them if needed. So, he decreed that he would only wield the Ark Blade again if those who would seek to do them harm ever sought to return.
Luckily for him, Edaylon never saw the return of its cybernetic invaders, nor did anyone rise to oppose Wayden’s rule. So, the noble king remained unopposed as he tried to lead his people down a better path. However, as time passed and new generations grew, a different form of thinking began to rise to cope with the planet's rapid technological advancements. It was a coping mechanism that gave birth to the creation of cults that worshiped a new religion based solely on technology. Drastically altering the planet’s societies as cities expanded and militarized with advanced weaponry. Its people's focus shifted toward technological advancements, and they began to forget about their King, who had saved them so long ago.
Yet the turning point for the people of Edaylon came when a relatively unknown scientist discovered the existence of other dimensions beyond their own. This revelation profoundly shook the planet's inhabitants as they peered beyond their known reality for the first time. The stunning sight of so many numerous dimensions, which darted across the endless void of creation, was something that had sparked an unending obsession within the populace. It was a passion that led to the inception of their most ambitious project yet, “The Starship Babeltron.”
It took the Edaylonians years to construct its hull and to calibrate its systems; once it was completed, the battle cruiser stood as the most significant achievement on the planet's surface. To many, it seemed like it outshined even the sun itself as it patiently awaited the discovery of a suitable fuel source. With it, the people of Edaylon sought to harness the potential of this starship to explore the vastness of creation, believing that it would allow them to acquire the knowledge of all existence. And with this knowledge, they, too, could rule the multiverse as deities, no different than their own King. So, they scoured their planet, depleting its resources in a desperate search for an energy source powerful enough to propel its massive engines. But after years of relentless efforts and failed experiments, their king saw no other choice than to call upon the aid of the Ark Blade once again.

So, he rallied his people to the streets, speaking to them as though he was a saint leading his followers down the path of righteousness. Yet his words did not guide them; instead, they manipulated them, gaining their support and convincing them of the necessity of his actions. He tempted them with the allure of godhood. His words promised them the ability to make others bow to their will as rulers of this dimension and all others. The people cheered as he raised the Ark Blade to the sky and spoke the ancient words of the King.

Using His gift, twisting its purpose as he finally powered up the Babeltron's engines, launching the battle cruiser into the sky. The mad king, seated proudly aboard the bridge, sat ready to conquer all existence.
In response, their True King, who had blessed them with this most sacred tool, was left furious by their proversion of the Ark Blade’s divine purpose to fit their flawed beliefs, leading them to breach the barrier between worlds. To prevent them from disrupting the balance, He sent an army of His best warriors to defend the various realms and destroy the cursed Babeltron.

And so, His archangels were dispatched, their presence being witnessed by everyone as they were led into battle by the noble Beshtar and his most trusted lieutenants, the heroic Marsonee and the faithful Zeptira. Those who stayed behind to guard the kingdom could only watch in horror as they unleashed a wild barrage of divine arrows of pure energy against the ship's hull. So, the warship's guns became trained on the angelic warriors as they fired downward toward them, but the damage to their ranks was nothing compared to the damage to the planet below as the battle raged on.
And yet, despite all their efforts, the Babeltron still fell from the skies and struck the earth below. Its body was cracked and burning as several pieces of it exploded off into the cities below. The force of its impact put craters across the planet as the archangels unleashed one final barrage of divine arrows that exploded against its hull until it began to sink into the grounds of the earth. Thus, Edaylon would hide the ship's wreckage as it sank deep into the planet’s surface. Cities had been left in ruins as a result, while several of their inhabitants lay dead in the streets.
It was indeed a bloody day for the people of this world, but their quest for knowledge led them down a path that invoked consequence. A path that was so dark that it somehow sent shockwaves through the very foundations of all The King’s blessed creations, weakening their faith and corrupting their spirits like a virus. This act of defiance only invoked rebellion and mistrust amongst His people, signaling the end of an era of peace as once more wickedness grew to conquer the lands around them.
But alas, these people needed to die to see how such a consequence could reach its fullest fruition, for the planet indeed burned that day in a manner in which it had never burned before.
And by the time the dusk settled, the planet returned to the days of its youth when barbarians roamed the surface with little understanding of the world around them. A brave society of sophisticated grace had long been dead as the descendants of this world began to slowly rebuild inside the remnants of this once-great culture that ruled the planet before them. The scars ran so deep that even the wreckage of these now-corrupted ancients could never be used for fear that they, too, could be wiped out, much like their ancestors had before them.
In time, religion found its way back to the people, but its hold on them was weak as multiple beliefs took root within the planet, guiding its people’s actions.
Now, Edaylon is nothing more than a primitive world with jungles reclaiming its once violent and tumultuous history. Thus, the inhabitants have nothing more than the legends and myths provided to them by their ancestors. Once these stories fade, so too will the memories of the Covenant, who saved the planet so long ago.
While the fabled Ark Blade remains lost to the sands of time, leaving most of the planet’s inhabitants to believe that the ancient weapon no longer exists, choosing to believe instead that it was somehow destroyed along with the tyrannical king who led the crew to its unfortunate demise so long ago.

Perhaps it was, or maybe it was simply laid to rest until a worthy successor could wield it, as it was by Wayden of Metallon so long ago. After all, who could fathom the plans of a far greater being who created all of this, only to witness it all perish before their very eyes?
Yet, isn’t it interesting how everything started with a choice? The power to choose is the greatest gift of all and the greatest curse. After all, The tragedy of Edaylon began with a simple choice, and from there, the choices became dark and uncontrolled, leading to the planet's destruction, causing the deaths of millions and reverting it to the state before the ark's arrival. It's a simple thing, yet it often has a powerful influence on the outcome of everything. It's everyone's choices that can make or break a life, as we have already seen. So, what makes the power to choose one's fate better than being a slave to the will of others? This is a question that only time can answer, but until then, it will remain a mystery to all who contemplate it.
To Be Continued In: The Light of Edaylon: Chapter One Prey To The Jungle.....
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